Sunday Africa Blog Roundup: Mali, Sudan, Somalia, and African Football

Reuters looks at Chinese rickshaws in Mali:

Mali introduced Chinese-made motor rickshaws in 2006. They’ve been such a hit that most of Mali’s bigger cities are overrun with them and competition between drivers is pushing down prices. They’ve now been barred from the centre of the capital, Bamako, but in Mali’s third-largest city, Segou, the rickshaw-taxi is the main means of public transport.

[…]The rickshaws are a government initiative to create employment and improve transport. Mali’s minister for transport introduced them in 2006 after a visit to China, where motor rickshaws are widely used.

In Mali, drivers buy them from the government for about $2000 and pay for them in instalments over 20 months.

Foreign Policy assesses the situation in post-election Sudan. The Boston Globe has beautiful photos of the voting (h/t Roving Bandit). And US Envoy Scott Gration discusses an upcoming visit to Sudan and Ethiopia.

Owen Barder asks, “Can aid create incentives for politicians in developing countries?”

Modern Day Pirate Tales gives us an update on al Shabab’s conflict with Somali pirates.

Texas in Africa offers some thoughts and a blog roundup on the “One Million Shirts” controversy. Karen Attiah also shares her view.

Morealtitude on the situation in Niger.

Finally, check out Steve Bloomfield’s Africa United blog about “How Football Explains Africa.”

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